Gas Aggregation Program
March 10, 2025
Community Electric Aggregation Notification
Dear Resident or Small Business,
Welcome to your community electric aggregation program. Members of our community voted in favor of government aggregation, a program authorizing local officials to purchase electricity from a retail electric generation supplier certified by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO). Dynegy has been selected as our certified electric generation supplier.
How You Benefit
By participating, you’ll receive the following exclusive pricing on the electric generation portion of your electric utility bill:
Your Electric Utility |
Current Term End 2 |
Early Termination Fee |
Duke Energy |
8.98 cents ($0.0898) per kWh |
May 2026 |
None |
Same Reliable Service
Your electric utility will continue to deliver your electricity, maintain the electric lines, and respond to emergencies. You will continue to receive a single, easy-to-read bill from your electric utility with the Dynegy generation supply charges included. There is no cost for enrollment, you will not be charged a switching fee, and you do not need to do anything to participate.
Opt Out Information
If you do not want to participate in the aggregation program, you must complete one of the following by the opt out deadline:
Opt Out Deadline |
March 31, 2025 |
§ MAIL Return the enclosed Opt Out Reply Form
§ PHONE Call Dynegy at 1-833-241-4599
Enrollment Information
Unless you choose to opt out, you will be automatically included in the program pending acceptance of the enrollment request by your electric utility. Participation will commence on your next available meter-read date thereafter. It may up to 45-60 days for Dynegy and the community electric aggregation price to be reflected on your future electric utility bills.
If you are not currently receiving electric generation from Dynegy, your electric utility will send you a letter confirming your enrollment. To join the aggregation program and receive its exclusive pricing, no action is necessary when this letter arrives.
Following the opt out deadline, you may leave the program at any time and will NOT be charged an early termination fee.
100% Green 1 Energy Option
You can also select electric generation service that is backed by 100% Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) at a price of
9.26 cents per kWh. You may choose this offer at any time during the term of the program. Call 1-888-682-2170 to enroll.
Please refer to the enclosed Terms and Conditions and FAQs (reverse) for more information. Community members with questions regarding the electric aggregation program should contact Dynegy directly at 1-888-682-2170 any day of the week from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST or email
Turtlecreek Township
Natutal Gas Aggregation was extended in August 2024
- AEP Energy remains Supplier through October 2025
- The $0.5894 per ccf rate is a 30% decrease from the current aggregation rate of $0.839 per ccf.
- Aggregation offers a fixed price option compared to Duke’s variable natural gas rate.
- Duke’s August Rate is $0.69 per ccf and September is $0.68 per ccf.
- Estimates are for Duke to come in between $0.68 per ccf and $0.72 per ccf based on current market conditions.
Natural Gas Aggregation Performance Information
As the weather turns colder and residents start to get their energy bills, we wanted to touch base on a few things.
Natural Gas Aggregation Performance
We are seeing an excellent start to the aggregation vs. Duke’s rates. Though you’ll receive a full detail performance report in the next couple months, here is how the first 3 months of the program look depending on what County Sales Tax rate your community has.
Savings Compared to Duke |
Bill Month |
7% Sales Tax |
7.8% Sales Tax |
Nov-22 |
9.3% |
8.7% |
Dec-22 |
10.7% |
10.1% |
Jan-23* |
12.1% |
11.4% |
*Duke published their GCR for January on 12/13.
Higher Natural Gas Bills
We are starting to get a lot of calls from residents about their higher bills and they are concerned it’s the aggregation rate. In almost every case it is because of a significant jump in your natural gas usage from November to December. We’ll expect this to increase even more from December to January due to cold weather in the forecast and getting deeper into winter.
Please take a look at your change in natural gas usage from month to month and how that may relate to your higher bills. Take a look at what your gas usage was like last year compared to this year. Your Duke Energy bill has a natural gas chart to make it easy to see.
As always, feel free to call Energy Alliance at 513-794-5555 if you have any questions.
Turtlecreek Township Gas Aggregation Program
Any qustions can be directed to Energy Alliance at 513-794-5555
Program Highlights
- Price: $0.839 per ccf
- Term: October 2022 to October 2024 (24 months)
- Termination Fee: None
- Supplier: AEP Energy
Sample Duke bill with aggregation to help with comparing the aggregation rate to Duke's GCR rate.
Opt-Out Materials and Process
- Depending on the size of your community and when your resident’s meters are read, letters will go out anytime between late August and mid-September.
- Regardless of when the letter is mailed, you will still have 21 days to opt-out.
- Opting out will be possible by either sending back the tear off on the letter or by calling AEP Energy at an “800”. AEP is still setting up the number and I’ll share once we have it.
Energy Alliances Website
Did you know you have a dedicated page on our website for your aggregation program(s)?
If not, check out
Technical/Detailed FAQs (optional for those that want more details)
We know the FAQS to the residents will be “simple”. We wanted to provide some more technical details to questions that you may receive from either residents or even your elected officials.
- “Why did we lock in at $0.839 per ccf?” – A fixed price natural aggregation program is all about protecting the risk for a winter spike. Market information tells us that there is a high risk for increasing prices this winter due to low natural gas storage, increasing consumption and increased exports. We understand prices could come in lower than $0.839 per ccf. However, we truly believe the feeling of residents being at risk of paying $1.00 per ccf would hurt significantly more than if the price fell to $0.678 per ccf.
- “I saw a price for lower than $0.839 per ccf. What can they do?” – Natural gas is a commodity just like gasoline where the prices change every day. During the term of this aggregation program, there will be offers in the market that are both higher and lower than the aggregation rate. It may be because the market prices moved or the offer is for a shorter/ longer term, etc. Residents are free to come and go out of the aggregation program any time they want without a termination fee if they find an offer that they feel is better for them than the aggregation program. The aggregation program offers the residents fixed price protection which Duke Energy’s variable Gas Cost Recovery rate cannot.
If a resident decides to shop on their own, it is also up to them to keep track of renewal rates. We saw many residents this year that received natural gas renewal rates above $1.00 per ccf and electric rates above $0.10 per kWh.
- “What happens if prices fall? Can we lower the price?” – We will continue to watch the market and if there is an opportunity to “Blend and Extend” the contract while lower the price we will do so.